Training rides

7 replies [Last post]
Anonymous's picture

Looking to join up/start riding for early morning rides in Prospect Park.

Anonymous's picture
Daniel (not verified)
Prospect Park

Which days were you planning to ride, what time in the morning(?).

Anonymous's picture
rick jakobson (not verified)
prospect park rides

i'll join you

Anonymous's picture
Natalia Lincoln (not verified)

When were you thinking of going? I often do P-Park laps in the morning, but the time varies.

Anonymous's picture
Robert (not verified)
Prospect Park Morning Rides

Natalia, let us know when you'd like to meet and a way to get in touch with you. We'd be happy to join and be joined by you.


Anonymous's picture
Natalia Lincoln (not verified)

I'll post my riding plans by the evening before, to this bulletin board. We can also set up an email list if people are so inclined.

FYI: I'm in the B18 SIG -- that should give an idea of my usual pace... :)

Anonymous's picture
Robert (not verified)

Great! Let me/us know when you would like to join.

Anonymous's picture
John (not verified)

Because I work evenings, I have been going mid-mornings, about 9:30 or so.

I'd love to get a group together, because god knows I can't replicate that classic pace by myself.

John M.

cycling trips