Bike Traveling Case

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Anonymous's picture

Can anyone suggest an inexpensive alternative to pack up a bike for a plane trip. A hard case almost costs half of what my friend paid for the bike ($1,000.00) and the box that the airline sells is $100 plus $85 for them to ship to him(almost $185 for a cardboard box to use once?)as he is going back home to Ireland and won't be needing it again, any advice here is greatly appreciated!


Anonymous's picture
Tim Casey (not verified)
your local bike shop

As nicely at your local bike shop if they wouldn't mind you taking one of the empty cardboard bike boxes they would otherwise be throwing away. Their bikes come in boxes worthy of shipping. Once the bike is built up the box is useless to the shop.


Anonymous's picture
Mike A. (not verified)

Great idea!

Thanks Tim

Anonymous's picture
Anthony Poole (not verified)
Rent one from the club

You can rent a hard case for $25 a week from the NYCC. See the advert in the January and February editions of the bulletin.

Anonymous's picture
Basil (not verified)
Plastic bag

I brought (not my best) bike back to Ireland a couple of years ago.
Aer Lingus did NOT require a case.
I had to remove the front wheel and pedals and loosen handlebars so they'd turn. They then provided a plastic bag into which I inserted the bicycle.
Presumably some risk involved tho mine (a Trek 2200 road bike) was fine when it reached Dublin (not so fine since - it was stolen some time later in Dublin from a friend's back yard). However, if you're looking for the ultimate low-cost case, that was it!

cycling trips