B-17 for Sunday, Jan 9th

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  • B-17 for Sunday, Jan 9th
2 replies [Last post]
Anonymous's picture

Anyone up for doing something like Marci's ride for tomorrow (Sunday, Jan 9th) let me know. Weather is supposed to cooperate (assuming the Doppler 4000 isnt on the fritz again). Maybe a Piermont or Nyack with a return to the park by 2pm. Means a short stop for a snack...not a lengthy sit-down luncheon. I'll specify details if there's enough interest.

Anonymous's picture
Harvey Minsky (not verified)


I would be up to Piermont or Nyack. I would like to leave at 9am so we could be back early. I was thinking about Wayn'e ride, but it does not leave till 10am.


Anonymous's picture
Bob Mirell (not verified)

We'll meet at the boat house at 9:00 and include anyone who show's up. See you there

cycling trips