Prospect Park Night Riding

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Anonymous's picture

So I'd like to ride after work (i.e. after dark) on the Prospect Park loop, but I'm not sure how late at night it remains safe. Do any of you frequent the park after dark? How safe is it? How are the street lights?

- Gordo

Anonymous's picture
seth (not verified)
Probably be there

tomorrow (tuesday 14) evening. I usually get there around 7pm and ride for 1-2 hours. I usually ride alone, many times with few other park users and never felt unsafe.

Anonymous's picture
gordo (not verified)

Thanks for the info, Seth. Maybe I'll see you there...

- Gordo

Anonymous's picture
RobertoC (not verified)
watch out for thrown rocks

On the stretch starting after you pass the lake and up to the left hand turnoff. I have had kids throw stuff at me on several occasions: near the football fields twice hit with rocks thrown by groups of kids playing football. On the stretch just before the drumming circle I got hit with what I think was a cup of ice. That time the cup hit my rear wheel and broke two spokes.

Anonymous's picture
gordo (not verified)
Whoa. That doesn't sound good...

"How long ago was this? Is it particularly dark in those areas? Has anyone else had any issues? I've got one ""yes"" vote and one ""no"" vote now...

- Gordo"

Anonymous's picture
RobertoC (not verified)

the incident with the cup of ice was early evening at the beginning of summer. The latest rock throwing was at night on my way to G.Army Plz. for the Oct. critical mass ride. I was alone and riding fast to get to the ride before it left. There was a group of kids in the field on the left just after the turnout (where they set up the roadblocks). I don't remember when the other rock throwing incident was, but it was definitely approaching dark and it wasn't cold...probably mid-summer. I imagine it is now too cold for there to be people out playing football at night.

Keep in mind, I ride in the park almost every night in the warmer parts of the year, so this is only 3 incidents over the course of literally hundreds of rides.

Anonymous's picture
rjb (not verified)

Rock throwing is an issue in the park. I have had kids throw rocks at me several times, put a nice dent in my frame one time, seen them throwing rocks at other riders, and also a riding buddy was hit once. Got the cops, of course they didn't care. This year seemed worse than others. I agree with the other poster, it's likely worse in summer, but I also agree that now, with the lack of people, the hill is especially dark and creepy - someone was knifed there for a mt. bike a few months ago. I would say keep your wits about you, and try to hook up with other riders if it seems iffy.

Anonymous's picture
maggie (not verified)

It's beautiful and empty and you can really ride in peace. a little creepy on the uphill side of the loop, people literally lurking in the bushes but no one's ever thrown stuff at me or seriously bothered me though when i ride late, i ride ugly looking single speed rather than Fancy Bike just in case.

Anonymous's picture
gordo (not verified)

As beautiful and empty as it may be, it sounds a little risky to both bike and limb. The off chance that I get knifed for my bike, however slim, is enough to keep me home, warm, and on my trainer...

Anonymous's picture
Christian Edstrom (not verified)

I'm a CPer, not a PPer, but I'd rather risk the perils of the big bad city than die of boredom on a trainer.

It's a big city, and keep your wits about you, but the biggest danger you face will be the cars on the way home. Or the guy with headphones. Don't believe the TV news myth that the world is some terribly dangerous place. But wear a helmet! :)

- Christian

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