How Safe is Central Park before Sunrise

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Anonymous's picture

Earlier this summer I have enjoyed the early morning light and biked on the full Central Park loop at 5 am. Now it is not light until 5:35, and soon it will not be light until much later.

Is it safe to ride in the morning before light?


Anonymous's picture
tony (not verified)

I ride that early in the morning all the time ,
I think it's safe. Just be carefull of the cars(mainly taxis) they speed and don't stop at red lights that early in morning.

Anonymous's picture
oldandpokey (not verified)
How Safe is Central Park before Sunrise

But cars are not allowed in the park before six. Right?


Anonymous's picture
heath (not verified)

That was funny!

Anonymous's picture
David Regen (not verified)

Frankly, I think it's less dangerous than evenings, when it's closed to cars. Both times have runners with earphones who suddenly run into your path without looking, but in the evenings, there's rollerbladers on cell phones.

Anonymous's picture
anthony accardi (not verified)

I'll take the cars over runners and bladers any day as well. Cars are somewhat predictable, runners are not.

Anonymous's picture
Judith Tripp (not verified)
I absolutely agree

"And this is why I never sign those petitions to ""keep cars out of Central Park."" They at least offer structure. And Ivy points out that Central Park is at all costs to be avoided at weekends! When there are no cars. And someone pointed out on this board recently that if there were no cars in Central Park, the roads would not get repaired. Another very good point, but sorry, this is not really on topic."

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