"Bush and Kerry and their bikes" - NYTimes piece today

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Anonymous's picture

"From the Week in Review today...

""Culture Wars, on Two Wheels""

""One of the many differences separating John Kerry and George W. Bush is their choice of bicycle - not an especially presidential mode of transport, one might think, except that these are not ordinary bikes...""

(full text))

ps -- Chk out photo of Kerry on his $8000 road bike (they couldnt sell him a jersey?)"

Anonymous's picture
Eto.A. Nshrdlu (not verified)
It figures

"Is anyone surprised that a politician with a reckless foreign policy causing needless injuries and fatalities wholesale around the world, and a reckless economic policy at home that causes the economy to tumble deep into debt, would also have a reckless cycling style? Or that one who would quickly the reverse the course this country is taking chooses a swift and agile road bike?

Or that a politician who would have tank-treaded bulldozers bashing down pristine Federal lands and who has opened the national parks to destructive snowmobiles rides a bicycle that tears up natural underbrush and soil with its wide nobby footprint? Or that the one less likely to create a rift in what Americans have in common chooses a wheel with a far narrower footprint and stays on the road to where he is going?

To quote Ibor Scznck, the late president of the Cycling Club of Montenegro, ""Show me how a man rides a bicycle and I will tell you how he thinks.""

And don't even get me started on their choices of wives.

Your Pal,
Etoain Shrdlu"

Anonymous's picture
MS (not verified)
At a loss for words

I find myself in the unfamiliar position of actually agreeing with the board's most prolific troll

Anonymous's picture
Milo Djukanovic (not verified)

Have you ever considered emigrating back to Montenegro? They need all the help they can get. Your tirades, narcissism, boorish charm and boringly trite swill writings on this board surely would do wonders to bore the local populace into submission. Your pal,

Anonymous's picture
Eto.A. Nshrdlu (not verified)
I remember you!

Weren't you the fellow who was beating all those Bosnians? I think they're looking for you in The Hague.

Anonymous's picture
.02 (not verified)
well, you bothered to answer

Aren't you holding this grudge just a little too long? just because someone has stronger opinions and is more creative in their expression than you doesn't mean that you can't go get a life elsewhere than this message board.

Anonymous's picture
.02 (not verified)

If it wasn't clear my previous reply was directed to Milo Djukanovic.

Anonymous's picture
don montalvo (not verified)
hmmm...that's a tough 'un

teresa heinz kerry for president! :)

etoain wrote:

> And don't even get me started on their choices of wives.

Anonymous's picture
Yogi (not verified)
Lowering the top tube (bar)

">To quote Ibor Scznck, the late president of the Cycling Club of Montenegro, ""Show me how a man rides a bicycle and I will tell you how he thinks.""

Show me a president who gives us 4 year old news, and I show you an incumbent who’s really desperate."

cycling trips