Congratulations Ironman Basil

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Anonymous's picture

Basil Ashmore finished the Ironman USA in Lake Placid yesterday in 13:37:57. This after a training season truncated by crash injuries.

Congratulations, Basil!

Anonymous's picture
ayumi (not verified)
woo hoo!!

Congratulations Basil!!!!!!! You rock!

are you still planning on doing the one in Canada next month?

Anonymous's picture
Basil (not verified)
Thanks guys!

Thanks - I'd say definitely first and LAST time for an Ironman.
Awesome experience but not necessarily one I'd want to repeat - way too much training (tho mine was seriously curtailed due to fractured clavicle in March 2004). So, I had a very conservative bike on a tough bike course in order to make it through an ill-prepared marathon.
Ironically, my marathon was relatively (compared to other participants) a better time than the bike!

Canada - Ayumi, yes still considering the Esprit Half-Ironman @ Ile Notre Dame (bike portion takes place on the Formula 1 circuit) in mid-September. Let me know if you or anyone else are interested.

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