Sun.Eve.7/18 TdF party Tony's home in Bklyn

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  • Sun.Eve.7/18 TdF party Tony's home in Bklyn
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Anonymous's picture

"Hello All NYCC members, Here are the details for Sunday 7/18 race/party. I will tape the race in the morning, ( I'll even remove those pesky commercials if you like) then replay it in the early evening. Cocktail hour @ 6pm -7pm in the back yard,( weather permitting). then off to our private lounge,W/ nice size TV and plenty to eat and drink.W/ the commercials removed,we could be done ( watching, but not eating !! ) before 9pm.We will try to add an Italian flavor to this French event.Bring something appropriate!!( Campi hat,Italian bike,or jersey,shoes ect,ect. be creative. 3 extra glasses of,Italian,wine and 2 extra cannoli to most creative item.)Let's have some fun before I leave for RAGBRAI. Please e-mail or call me C-917 251 3549. H,718 833 9729, reserve before 12 noon Sunday 18 july. I have room for oppx.a dozen or so members ,sorry,first come first served.
Just bring a frendly disposition,and a good appetite.I believe Chris Taeger will be leading a ride from the city.( 13 miles from the boathouse to my house) or the ""N"" train to Fort Hamilton Station.. Call or write for additional detail/ or travel info... Ciao Tony M."

Anonymous's picture
Chris T (not verified)
Ride To Tony's Leaves City Hall @5:10 pm

As stated on a prior thread, I will guide you to Tony's.

But first, call tony to let him know you will attend. Those of us who remember his Xmas holiday parties will attest that a good time will be had by all.

I will be on the east side of City Hall Park at 5PM. I will leave no later than 5:10 We will go over the Bklyn Bridge and go to Prospect park West & 15th Street in Park Slope. I expect to be there about 5:25-5:30 and pick up any local riders. Then we proceed for Happy Hour at Tony's.


Anonymous's picture
Chris T. (not verified)
Pace & Bump

This is a community ride, so we will go as slow as our slowest rider -- I don't want to lose anyone.

I guess the pace will be about 15, with spurts of 20 on downhills. WTRL

cycling trips