B17 at noon

3 replies [Last post]
Anonymous's picture

Let's meet at the boathouse at noon and head out for 50 miles. Rather than dice minutes and spend the morning watching the sky I just want to call it for 12.

Anonymous's picture
Chaim (not verified)
Weather Still Bad

I know you didn't want to dice minutes, but it is still raining here at 11:20. Accuweather is predicting it will clear up by noon, but I suggest we wait and possibly delay a bit more. I prefer not to head out in the rain.

What destination do you have in mind?

Anonymous's picture
Michael (not verified)
Still wet on the UWS at 11:30

So the ride is off. Perhaps we'll all do laps later if it clears

Anonymous's picture
Chaim (not verified)
Let's Ride Later to Piermont/Nyack

At 11:40, it is still raining here in Chelsea. I suggest we wait a bit and then ride. The rain is supposed to clear. I can lead a ride to Piermont/Nyack which will be about 50 miles. Let's stay in touch via this board and decide when to meet. Hopefully the rain will stop by 12:00 so we can meet at 12:30. Interested riders: please post here so I'll know if there's any interest. Otherwise, I will head out directly without stopping at the park.

cycling trips