Bike Shop in Hoboken

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Anonymous's picture

What's a good bike shop in Hoboken? Thanks for your responses.


Anonymous's picture
<a href="">Peter O'Reilly</a> (not verified)
"""is"" or ""the"" ;-)"

There's only one bike shop in Hoboken that I'm aware of
(the city is only 1 square mile in size) and is located
at the far end of town. Specifically on Washington St (west side) and in the vicinity of crossing between 11th & 14th Sts. I'd say it's equivalent to the Metro chain bike shops in NYC - catering more to very casual cyclists... hybrids, mom-n-daughter bikes, skateboards, inline skates, etc. (Note: I haven't set foot in there in many years, so it may have changed a bit; viewing from the street it looks the same)

Anonymous's picture
Isaac Brumer (not verified)

"That would be ""Flo on Wheels"" - 12th & Wash. Have only bought stuff from them, not used them for service. No complaints."

Anonymous's picture
Chaim Caron (not verified)
Closed on Sunday

Note: they are closed on Sunday, which I learned one Sunday, to my great dismay.

Anonymous's picture
Isaac Brumer (not verified)

"That would be ""Flo on Wheels"" - 12th & Wash. Have only bought stuff from them, not used them for service. No complaints."

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