Great Idea for NYCC Ride

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Anonymous's picture


Here's one great idea for a club ride.

Holland Tunnel Cycling

My main question is whether this would be an A, B, or C ride.

Whaddya think?

David, who thinks that with a dial-up connection the link listed here might be difficult to view"

Anonymous's picture
seth (not verified)
good route for

critical mass

Anonymous's picture
<a href="">Peter O'Reilly</a> (not verified)
Nice clip

When was this feat done? (no sound for me watching the clip) I'd bet pre-Sept '01. I pass through the tunnel quite often and see P.A. cops and Army Reserve standing guard on foot quite regularly.

Anyway, thanks to club member Alfredo Garcia you can do such legally; he usually lists such ride once a year in cooperation with the Port Authority. Around midnight and in the Spring if I recall correctly.

Then there's the MS Ride which is kind like a critical mass ride in it's own right. I'm not sure if they still go through the tunnel. I did such some time ago. It was a blast - literally coasting 40mph+ w/o any effort behind others on very smooth pave.

Anonymous's picture
Evan Marks (not verified)
November 2000

"I think this ride would have to be rated ""hors categorie.""

Great video, well worth the 20 minutes it took to download."

Anonymous's picture
Hy S. Terrier (not verified)
Holland Tunnel Ride

Twas done years ago by 5BBC - Lincoln Tunnel and Brooklyn Battery Tunnel as well.

cycling trips