carmichael training videos

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Anonymous's picture

I've been doing the CTS online, which is pretty interesting. the workouts are good -- time will tell if it all pays off. meanwhile, would anyone be willing to lend me any of the CTS videos? at the moment, i'm particularly interested in the climbing one, but any would be worth seeing. if others are interested, too, perhaps we could have a video night. i can fit about 8 people in my living room....

Anonymous's picture
tony (not verified)
CTS Video

I have the CTS climbing video which you can borrow . Also I have the
Spinervals The Time Trial video which I think is good and challenging .
You can contact me at [email protected]

Anonymous's picture
andrea kannapell (not verified)
kindness incarnate!

i have a second source, too -- so, my fellow NYCC folks, any interest in a video series, say Monday nights? andrea

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