
5 replies [Last post]
Anonymous's picture

Does anyone know what the gradients are for River Road and for the Central Park loop?

Anonymous's picture
JP (not verified)

RR, the last hill north, is 1 mile and 7.1%

Harlem Hill in CP is .33 miles and 4.4%

Anonymous's picture
Tim Casey (not verified)
according to Topo USA

The total CP loop, including the climb up to W. 72nd St, the numbers are:

Linear Distance: 5.88 miles
Climbing Dist. : 3.02 miles
Climbing Elevation: 429 ft.
Average Grade: 2%
Min. Elevation: 27.53 ft
Max. Elevation: 128.43 ft.

The Avg grade of Harlem Hill, after making the left turn at the rock outcrop, is 7% for .16 miles. It's slightly steeper for the first part. It hits 14% briefly. It's not the highest point in C.P. but it is the steepest. The high point is on the West Drive just after the W. 85th St exit.

Anonymous's picture
Evan Marks (not verified)
14% ???


Anonymous's picture
Hank Schiffman (not verified)
Oh my!

Evan, I know there is no excuse for ignorance, but what does ROFLMAO mean?

I'm with you in that 14% would put the steepest part of Harlem Hill at 2% steeper than the average grade of Mt Washington or Ash. That's like going to a dinner where only hor d'oeuvres are served; nobody is going to convince you that it is really dinner. Harlem Hill ascends a mere 84' in .32 mile for an average grade of 4.4%. I think we would notice it bucking up to 14% out of a much less than 4.4% to satisfy that 4.4% average. Someone had posted 220' as the vertical gain in one loop of the drive. That sounds about right, certainly not more than 240'. My altimeter on ny Polar S710 gave me that range last time I was out.

Anonymous's picture
Evan Marks (not verified)
Mapping software is often suspect

In this case it was waayyyy beyond suspect - I was Rolling On the Floor Laughing My A** Off.

cycling trips