Happy Birthday Daddy of the SIGs

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Anonymous's picture

Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday dear Christy daddy of the SIGs and road cycling god for eternity
Happy birthday to you

Anonymous's picture
Herb Dershowitz (not verified)
Christy's age

and since we know Christy is older than Jody, that makes him............

Anonymous's picture
Sherlock Holmes (not verified)
Happy Birthday to you Frank Grazioli

How many candles does it take to bake a cake?

Anonymous's picture
me (not verified)
anonymous posting

"I remember someone saying that he ""hates, hates, hates"" anonymous posts. Hmmmmm. Guess it depends, goose or gander.

Nevertheless, Happy Birthday!!"

Anonymous's picture
Sherlock Holmes (not verified)
Happy Birthday

And aint that da truth Johnny Polakas. Happy Birthday Christy!

Anonymous's picture
JP (not verified)

Johnny?? I haven't been called that in ... hours!

Shrdlu, is that you?

Anonymous's picture
E. Shrd (not verified)
"""Shrdlu, is that you?"""

No. I swear.

Your pal,

Anonymous's picture
Best! (not verified)
da un acquario coetano

Auguri a te
Auguri a te
Auguri al buon compleanno, tu carissimo, stimato, e venerato capo del SIG e Dio eterno del ciclismo
Auguri a te


Anonymous's picture
Tony Mantione (not verified)

Moltissimi auguri di buon compleanno al mio caro amico ,il Signor Cristoforo Guzzetta.
.. Il tuo vecchio amico .........Tony.

Anonymous's picture
Jay (not verified)
Happy B Christy

from Perth Australia!

see u in late Feb.



Anonymous's picture
Jeff Robins (not verified)
And many more

When I grow up, I want to be just like you.

Happy birthday!


Anonymous's picture
JP (not verified)
too old

too old to grow up!

cycling trips