Looking for a used bike.

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Anonymous's picture

"My MTBing buddy wants to come to the dark side and turn roadie but he's real cheap. Basically we're looking for a decent road racer less than 10 years old. He'd probably fit a 54-55cm bike or so.

Anyway if anyone can help that would be greatly appreciated.


I've received some email responses from potential sellers and they all had some nice stuff to offer but they were a little out of my friend's price range. Just to save some of you the trouble I thought I'd add a little more info. He wants to spend between $700-1,000 for a good solid bike preferably equipped with 105 or Veloce level components. If the offer was exceptional he might go a little higher but honestly I doubt it. (Did I mention he was a skin flint?)

He's a bit of a road bike neophyte and doesn't know much about them and asked me to give him a hand. Therefore he's most interested in a complete bike already built up and ready to go. I don't think he'd be interested in a ""frame only"" situation because the build up consideratons would scare him away.

Anyway, thanks again for all the offers and advice. If he only had another $4-500 to spend he'd have some terrific options.


Anonymous's picture
don montalvo (not verified)


ebay = best place to sell
craigslist = best place to buy"

Anonymous's picture
hannah (not verified)
Recycle A Bicycle

It's worth checking with RAB to see if they have anything that fits the bill. They get a wide range of donations, especially this time of year. www.recycleabicycle.org

Could also try www.stealitback.com .


Anonymous's picture
Patrick (not verified)

Thanks for the tips Hannah and Don.

Anonymous's picture
Evan Marks (not verified)


cycling trips