accidents on bike paths in NYC

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Anonymous's picture

The Hudson River bike path between the boat basin and 72nd street is really busy with bikers, skaters, and walkers. I recently had an accident with an online skater who could not control themselves and cut in front of me, throwing me from the bike. I know with sidewalk accidents, the city has to be notified of the problem to be held liable. Does anyone know if the city has been notified about how dangerous this particular stretch is?

Anonymous's picture
Slippy (not verified)
Bike paths don't kill people...

"People kill people.

How is it ""dangerous""? A skater fell, and took you down. Human error, no? What's the hazard, too many users?

You want to notify the city so that the next time you crash into a blader you can hold NYC liable?


Anonymous's picture
Cat (not verified)

I would NEVER go online while skating.

Does the FCC have penalties for such irresponsible conduct?

Anonymous's picture
Yogi (not verified)
A Bike Path runs though it.

I think you meant Inline skating and Online surfing in RS Park.

Yes, The City is well aware of the problems between 79th St. boat basin and the 70th St. Pier. During the warmer months, there are watermelon size speed bumps and obstacle course type barriers, people waving stop signs, handing out leaflets, and drug sniffing dogs at 3 or 4 points in that short stretch.

Purpose- to slow down the people on wheels. This was a waterfront park long before any bike path was planned. There are usually kids running in all directions, people strolling, painting, and fishing all along this stretch. We as cyclist are a menace zooming in and out at high speeds.

In the cold winter months all the obstacles are gone, but there are still signs posted for cyclists to slow down. It’s appropriate that you mentioned sidewalk accidents because one should ride this stretch at sidewalk speed when people are around. Expect anything and everything to happen, even coming to a full stop and dismounting if necessary.

Please slow down and be extra careful between 70th and 95th Streets. It might take you a couple of minutes longer to get to where you’re going, at this time it’s still legal to ride through.

BTW, has anybody been ticketed for crossing the new cyclists specific red lights below 59th street on the Westside Path? should we trust the green lights?

Anonymous's picture
Brad Ensminger (not verified)
West Side Path Stop Lights

>BTW, has anybody been ticketed for crossing the new cyclists specific red lights below 59th street on the Westside Path? should we trust the green lights?

No. No tickets yet. I ride there almost daily. The cops don't really stop bicyclists that I've seen. The buses aim for any moving creature when they turn onto the West Side Highway. I've seen many joggers, bladers and bicyclists cursing at the bus drivers after being cut off by them.

Do watch out for cars turning onto the Greenway!
I am still recoveing from a tangle with a taxi cutting across the Greenway.
I now look behind me to see if cars are turning at the approaching intersections.

The stop-sign and stop-light combinations were confusing. At least the stop-lights by themselves are not ambiguous.

Anonymous's picture
Ivy Pool (not verified)

I, too, suspect that the City is well aware of the problems with that section of the greenway considering the lengths that they have gone to to try to get cyclists to slow down in that area (some of which IMO are further endangering cyclists, e.g., speedbumps and barricades that are nearly invisible after dark!). However, if you would like to make a complaint to the City, you should call 311. As a City employee, I can tell you that agencies are taking call complaints very seriously and analyzing aggregate data on complaints to detect trends, channel resources, etc.

Anonymous's picture
hannah (not verified)
greenways and 311

"A month or so ago I called 311 to report a problem on the greenway, and it was not very satisfying. First they thought I was talking about the Green Line buses, and then about a green light. After we established that I was talking about the greenWAY they had no way to process what I was telling them because the ""address"" (i.e., the Hudson River Greenway at 145th Street) didn't match with their address convention, which I guess requires a number or two streets or something. After speaking with three people within 311, I was finally told to just call Parks, who understood what I was talking about with much less fuss.

I think it is important to slog your way through the 311 system so that they learn they need to refine it, but I would caution that you *not* call 311 about a greenway unless you are prepared for a bit of frustration.


Anonymous's picture
Hank Schiffman (not verified)
A new hazzard on the West Side Bike Path....

Both last night and this afternoon while I was running north on the West Side Bike Path just by the north entrance to Chelsea Piers I was confronted with cars driving south on the bike path to the aforementioned entrance. From my vantage point I saw not new signs instructing cars to take this path. Perhaps the double yellow lines on the path and no Do Not Enter signs are enticing cars to drive on the bike path. Methinks the DOT should have painted a non-traffic color for the stripes down the center of the path.
Beware of a head on collision. You will pay more dearly than the driver. As is said, a hamburger is a much greater commitment for a steer than an omlette is for a chicken.

Anonymous's picture
E.T. O'Shrdlu (not verified)
A fellow countryman!

>> As is said, a hamburger is a much greater commitment for a steer than an omlette is for a chicken.<<

O frabjuous day, calloo callay! Hank, I didn't know you were Montenegrin too!

Your Pal,

Anonymous's picture
JP (not verified)

This past summer, one night I hit the bike path solo, around 9 PM. Heading north between 23 - 38, 2, count then, 2 cars on 2 separtate ocaissions were heading south, right at me. Luckily, I had my digital NiteRider on and must have looked like a motorcycle. The cars, stopped, I pulled up and told them it was a ped/bike path and they backed up – and out.

But, whoa, to see a Mercedes 5,000,000 S-whatever, with MD plates coming at you is unsettling. Of course, the driver of the second car, as he backed out, had to say “Phuck you” for my fear and courtesy in telling him he was in error. Phuck ME!!! Of course, I had to say that I know I look pretty good in bike shorts but am not into men. He had worse things to say as several cars on 12th Ave almost hit him as he exited.

We live in a utopia ;-(

Anonymous's picture
JP (not verified)

Hey, Shrdluski, how ya' been!!!

cycling trips