Trade -Ins

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Anonymous's picture

Can anyone recommend a local(NYC)shop who would take a trade-in for my 4yr.old Giant MT.Bike. 54m ? I'm looking for a used cyclocross bike.

Anonymous's picture
Peter Hochstein (not verified)
Trade Ins? Lotsa luck!

The idea doesn't seem to have occurred to any bike shop I know of. Best places to get rid of a bike for money are this bulletin board, E-bay, or — if you want to try something imaginitive — talk to the proprietor of a Chinese restaurant or your local pizza joint.

Anonymous's picture
Ben (not verified)

A brisk used bike business seems to be done on

Anonymous's picture
Fred (not verified)

Emmy's Bicycles, a quirky (to say the least) bikeshop on 17th Street between 3rd and Irving Place will buy your old bike and has lots of used bikes for sale. Probably won't find anything high end to buy, but it's worth a shot.

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