Trainers - 1Up vs Kurt Kinetic

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Anonymous's picture

I'm looking to buy a new trainer. Does anyone have any experience with the 1Up USA versus the Kurt Kinetics Fluid?

Anonymous's picture
Jay Fitzgerald (not verified)

I've owned a 1st Up for about 8 months now and absolutely love it. I used to use a Fluid trainer and the 1st Up is definitely far better. Quiet, smooth, tough and very high quality.

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Eloy Anzola (not verified)
Love the 1upUSA

I've also own a 1upUSA for about a year. It is simply awesome.

Super smooth, and nothing comes even close to how quiet it is, you'll hear only your chain and gears..., it looks really good too.

Only con is that it works best after it warms up, this usually takes about 15 to 18 minutes of light spinning.

Highly recommended.



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