Spencer siting

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Anonymous's picture

Paul Spraos, Georgia and I met Spencer and MC on the front porch of the Eagle Mtn House in Jackson, NH Saturday evening. He was vacationing with his parents and aunt. The newly expecting couple looks great and are in good spirits. They haven't been cycling as the roads in Montreal have no shoulders but they are swimming. They miss their cycling buddies and send their best regards to all.

Anonymous's picture
Hank Schiffman (not verified)
the sighting was on the site of the Eagle Mtn House

I thought the spelling looked strange. The couple, however, did not.

Anonymous's picture
Matthew Howard (not verified)

Hank's too modest to mention that he did the Mt. Washington climb on Saturday in 1:24:47, 9th place in his division:


Congratulations! And to all NYCCers who finished.

cycling trips