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Anonymous's picture

Congratulations to John and Hanna Vazquez on the birth yesterday of their baby boy, Oliver. Mommy, Daddy and baby are all doing well.....

Anonymous's picture
Herb (not verified)

I think Hanna's name is still Robson. Just as yours is Montesa.

Anonymous's picture
Herb (not verified)

I apologize. I'm told that Hanna's name is Vasquez. Either way, congratulations to the family.

Anonymous's picture
Anthony Poole (not verified)

Congratulations to John and Hanna. I guess Oliver will have dual nationality. Are we slowly reclaiming the Empire?

Anonymous's picture
Jay (not verified)

Congrats John & Hannah!
-Joan & Jay J

Anonymous's picture
Jack Lehnert (not verified)
Future Champion

Congratulations, John and Hanna on the birth of your son, Oliver. I wish you the happiest of life together.

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