Know any good medical practitioners?

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Anonymous's picture

I have what I think is a mild meniscus tear and want to get a diagnosis from someone who thinks holistically.IE: let's look at all the factors( my alignment,strength,flexibility) and how we can work to get me back to biking! P>S> I have no insurance. Thanks for the help.Write me here.

Anonymous's picture
Russ Berman (not verified)
Medical Help

You might try Dr. Loren Fishman, a physiatrist (a perfectly good kind of m.d. who specializes in physical medicine). His approach is definitely holistic and he's a very smart, caring guy, who's not averse to accupuncture, yoga, meds or anything else that might be useful in working out physical problems. I see him for my back. He's at 3 E. 83rd St, 212 472-5688. Only problem is, as with most of the good docs who handle orthopedic problems, there's a long lead time for appointments. You might ask about his clinic hours which I believe are at Flushing Hospital in Queens (and which could be absoolutely wrong or irrelevant).

Anonymous's picture
Rick Braun (not verified)

My ortho for my knee is a cyclist and helped me get back to cycling. His name is Dr. Brian Halpern, 525 East 71st Street, Manhattan, 212-606-1329. Good luck with the knee!

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