Lookin' for dirt cheap track bike - 60cm

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  • Lookin' for dirt cheap track bike - 60cm
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Anonymous's picture

I am looking for a really, really inexpensive, used track bike. I would prefer one that was originally made for track riding, as opposed to a regular bike fitted with a fixed gear.

I fit a 60 cm Cannondale or Bianchi road bike, if that's useful info. To contact me, please email me at [email protected].

Thanks a lot.

- Charlie

Anonymous's picture
Evan Marks (not verified)
Start with the T-town website...

...lvvelo.org, and spin off from there. Lots of links to various clubs and organizations, maybe some have classified ads. Try Kissena, too (kissena.org).

Anonymous's picture
Evan Marks (not verified)
more suggestions



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Mordecai Silver (not verified)

Look on eBay. I often see track bikes going for very little there.

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