Note: You must be a paid member to register for this event. You are either not logged in or your membership has expired.


2025 A-Classic SIG Schedule

Orientation: Wed, Feb 19, 7pm virtual
First ride:  March 1
Graduation ride: May 17

Contact: [email protected]

2025 A-Classic SIG Captains


Shirley Chung
Michael Rodio
Michelle Savacool



Spring Training: The 2025 A-Classic SIG

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  • Spring Training: The 2025 A-Classic SIG
Saturday, March 1, 2025 - 9:00am

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A-Classic SIG Details


Our goal is to produce “Great Wheels” — safe and empathetic cyclists who elevate their peers. They are riders everyone would be comfortable riding with, and following, in a paceline.

A-Riders are capable of riding any NYCC ride at the designated speed. This does not mean being the strongest rider, or taking the longest pulls at the front, or being the first one up the hill. This does mean riding smoothly, so all benefit from the draft, as we “ride as one.” A-Classic SIG riders look out for those who might be struggling during the ride, helping them stay with the group, and are open and communicative rider about their needs or struggles.

What to expect

The program features a series of rides, each gradually building in distance, elevation, difficulty of terrain, skills, and speed from the previous — starting out at 40-50 miles with 2,000+ feet of climbing, and ending with the graduation ride of 100+ miles with 7,000+ feet of climbing.

Be prepared to make a significant time commitment. We ride every weekend for 12 weeks, with rain dates on Sundays, and expect participants to do 1-2 mid-week training rides to build fitness, learn our style, and refine those skills.

Coaching is core to the program — participants will receive pointers and individual attention from leaders both on and off the bike, and will also benefit from being paired with a mentor. During the program you will learn:

  • Fundamental group riding skills — riding safely and efficiently
  • Smooth pacelining
  • Technical skills refinement (such as cornering, climbing and descending)
  • Gravel/dirt handling
  • How to leverage and balance your group’s strengths to create a more cohesive and fun ride

Sure, we can ride fast. But contrary to what you may have heard, the A-Classic SIG is not all about speed. It’s about safety, skill, and the camaraderie of a great group ride. As you train and master smooth group riding skills, speed, efficiency, and endurance will follow.

If you’re willing to put in the time and effort, you won’t just come away a vastly improved rider — you’ll come away with new friends, and what many have called “the most enriching athletic experience of their lives.”


The A-Classic SIG takes place every Saturday from early March through late May. Rain dates are Sundays. Rain calls will be made by Friday night. Be sure to check the standard A-Classic SIG communication channels.


Rides in the early part of the series start around 8am. Be prepared to spend your entire day doing the SIG ride. Some days you may get home at 2pm, but other days, due to mechanicals, refueling stops, or longer rides, you may not get home until 5pm or later. As the distances increase and the weather gets warmer, the rides will start as early as 6am.


Each ride is broken up by a lunch stop. It’s a chance to get more acquainted with your fellow SIG mates, and for the leaders to discuss skills. As the series progresses, we will also have quick refuel/fluid stops. After rides, we’ll often have an icy cold beverage to celebrate the end of a long, rewarding day.


Throughout the series, your ride leaders will provide feedback on your application of the skills, and give you tips on handling, safety, bike fit, and organizing and leading rides. Keep in mind we are volunteers, who have graduated from the A-Classic SIG, and have proven skills and leadership abilities — we have a variety of experience, expertise, and skill levels. Participants must be willing to listen and accept coaching and critique from all leaders. Even if you are in great shape, no one will care if you can’t ride predictably and cooperatively.


By the 3rd or 4th week of the SIG, we assign each participant a mentor. Your mentor will be your advocate, your coach, your confidant, and your liaison to the leadership group. While your mentor is there to support you in completing the SIG, the other leaders are there as resources for you to call upon as well. We want you to succeed. If you have questions, issues, concerns, suggestions, or are having trouble with a particular skill — tell your mentor.


NYCC membership

All participants must be members of the New York Cycle Club.

Weekend ride attendance 

The success of all SIG programs stems from the commitment made by everyone who participates. Commitment fosters consistency, which builds strength, skill and confidence, ultimately leading to groups of confident, skilled riders who safely navigate the road’s challenges.
In order to progress together, participants are expected to attend all sessions. Minimum requirements for continuing in the program include:
1. Must not have 2 consecutive absences
2. Must attend 3 of the first 4 rides
3. Must attend 10 of the 12 total rides (no more than 2 absences)
4. The graduation ride (#12) is required.  Under extenuating circumstances, the graduation ride can be completed at another time at the discretion of the captains. Riding in GFNY or Farmer's Daughter is not one of those circumstances.
Although it is not a requirement, attendance of both rides 1 and 2 are often critical to success.  Participants who must discontinue the program due to absences have an open invitation to join us again the following year.

Mid-week training

Mid-week training is essential for building the fitness and skills necessary to succeed in the A-Classic SIG. Mid-week training rides generally take place in the early morning hours—often starting around 6am—in Prospect Park, Central Park and River Road. These rides are led by our A-Classic leaders and provide additional and complimentary coaching to the weekend rides. While mid-week training is not mandatory (we’re not taking attendance…), few participants succeed without doing some kind of group training at least once, ideally twice, each week.

Rest is just as important as training. Make certain that your training schedule includes time to recover. We recommend a rest day on Friday before the long ride of the week — this includes no workouts in the gym. Show up at rides well rested.


Riders endangering others by exceeding the set pace, wobbling, braking abruptly, not calling out obstacles, cars, or their intentions to slow down, will be warned. Consistently uncooperative riders will be removed from the program. Safety is the first and foremost concern of the A-Classic SIG.


  • Helmet (mandatory)
  • Road bike (no exceptions; no hybrid, cross, time trial, etc. bikes)
  • Clipless pedals (including sufficient riding experience to be able to clip in and out with ease)
  • Navigation device (GPS and/or cue sheet)
  • No aero bars under any circumstances. This is to ensure safety while riding in a paceline.


We STRONGLY recommend a tune-up/overhaul, including fresh tires, to minimize the chance of mechanicals during rides. We also recommend a pre-season bike fit to ensure you’re comfortable and efficient on your bike.

Leading a club ride

Each participant must lead at least one NYCC ride following completion of the program, in the same year.


Registration instructions are here

Online registration begins in early February. You must be a paid member and logged in to access the sign up.

More Info

Orientation will take place virtually before the series begins. For further details, see the FAQs. For anything else, contact the A-Classic SIG Captains at [email protected]





Signups closed for this Event

Spring Training: The 2025 A-Classic SIG
cycling trips