Note: You must be a paid member to register for this event. You are either not logged in or your membership has expired.


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D-SIG Leaders

Akiko Ando
Andre Tulet
Bonnie Osborn
Brian Cantrell
Brian Sullivan
Fred Harris
George Wukoson
Gerry Villanueva
Hess Kim
John Siemens
Jon Shireman
Kevin Graney
Maureen Lin
Nick Gigliotti
Paul Crowell
Shari Alexander
Sharon Shachar
Tony Weida
Yuji Horimoto

Spring Training: The 2022 D-SIG

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  • Spring Training: The 2022 D-SIG
Saturday, March 19, 2022 - 7:30am

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Signups are open, scroll to the bottom of the page.

"All About The SIG & STS" Club Meeting recording is here

By registering for the NYCC SIG program, you are affirming that you are fully vaccinated for COVID-19. You will be asked to provide proof of vaccination before beginning the first ride. If you are not fully vaccinated by the start of the SIG, you will not be permitted to participate. If you have questions or concerns please contact [email protected].

Date: Saturday, March 19th, 2022 - 7:30 am

Spots: 30