June 2017 President's Message

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June 2017 President's Message

Masters of the Universe . . . . .
The first part of our 2017 cycling season has concluded.
It started the second Tuesday in February with the SIG membership meeting.
It ended on Memorial Day weekend in the Berkshires.
Club members were riding further than they had ever thought they could. Double paceline, rotating the lead. Bash Bish, Greylock, Cakewalk, miles upon miles upon miles.
At the All Class Club dinner Saturday evening, I asked the hundred or so club members in attendance to raise their hand if they had ever taken a SIG. I think every single person in that room raised their hand.
Better cyclists, faster cyclists, safer cyclists, happier cyclists. What a thing!
The Captain of the C SIG – Paul Hofherr.
The Captain of the B SIG – Fred Leffel.
The Captains of the A SIG – Bob Ross and Susan Conova
The Captains of the A Classic – Todd Keynes and Thais Alexander.
These captains recruited more than 100 ride leaders, created the curriculum, developed the routes, rode with the SIGies. Our captains created the best riding club in the entire country.
On behalf of everyone at that dinner in the Berks who raised their hands, on behalf of every single person who participated in the 2017 edition of the SIG, on behalf of every single member who ever took the SIG or rode with someone who did, a heartfelt thank you to the Captains of the SIG’s.
You are the Masters of the Universe.
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