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First Aid For Cyclists

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Thursday, April 17, 2025 - 6:00pm

Title: First Aid and Fitness For Cyclists

Date:  Thursday, April 17, 2025

Time: 6:00-8:00 PM

Place: Woodhull Medical Center (10 minutes by subway from Manhattan)

          760 Broadway, Brooklyn, NY 11206

          Conference Room 1

Fee:   $25 via PayPal at the top of this page. 100% of the proceeds support the Kids Ride Club)


Your registration will be recorded upon payment.

Directions To Woodhull:  From Manhattan, take the LAST car of the "M" train (Direction Metropolitan Ave).  It's an elevated train.  Get off at the Flushing Avenue station. The hospital is at the bottom of the stairs.  Hospital Police in the main lobby will direct you to the Conference Center.  Call Ed Fishkin if you need driving directions.


First Aid for Cyclists:  Hopefully you'll never need to use this information, but if you ride often and long enough, you're destined to see an accident on the road.  This evening you'll receive useful information about trauma, first aid for common cycling injuries, the role of the first responder, how to communicate effectively with 911 services and what to expect and demand in an ER.  You'll receive take home tips to prevent road injuries, how to maximize the chance for full recovery after an accident and suggestions for your personal, cyclists first aid kit.  Pizza and beverages will provided too!!

Speaker:  Edward Fishkin M.D.
                Chief Medical Officer (retired)
                NYC Health+Hospitals Woodhull Medical Center


                Assoc. Professor Clinical Medicine NYU Langone School of Medicine



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First Aid For Cyclists
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