Cue Sheet Listing

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Name Region Name(s) Distance Difficulty Ratingsort icon Level(s)
Staten Island New York City 39 1 out of 5 B, C
New Jersey Waterfront (mostly roads) New Jersey/Rockland County 30 1 out of 5 B, C
Ridgewood & Radburn New Jersey/Rockland County 42 1 out of 5 B
Harriman SP: Hill after Hill from Garrison
Hudson Highlands
New Jersey/Rockland County
85 1 out of 5 A
Long Beach/Point Lookout
New York City
Urban Adventure
66 1 out of 5 B
Counterclockwise Perimeter Circuit of Manhattan Island
New York City
Urban Adventure
31 1 out of 5 C
Fishy Business Ride
New York City
Urban Adventure
26 1 out of 5 C
NYC Shoreways to Long Beach
Long Island
New York City
Urban Adventure
55 1 out of 5 B, C
Union Square to Sheepshead Bay - Late Start C ride
New York City
Urban Adventure
29 1 out of 5 C
2014 C5 Creskill C SIG Cue Sheets 30 1 out of 5 C
cycling trips