Cue Sheet Listing

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Name Region Name(s) Distancesort icon Difficulty Rating Level(s)
Berkshire Weekends 2012 cue sheets * The Berkshires 1 out of 5 A
Berkshire Weekends 2014 cue sheets & ridewithgps link The Berkshires 1 out of 5 A
Pleasantville Railroad station access to Graham Hills Park Westchester/CT 1 1 out of 5 C
Graham Hills access from Pleasantville Metro North
Mountain Biking
1.1 3 out of 5 B
Blue Mountain from Peekskill
Mountain Biking
1.2 5 out of 5 A, B
South County Trailway access to Sprain Ridge Park Westchester/CT 2 1 out of 5 C
Access to Hempstead Harbor Woods Mountain Bike Park from LIRR
Long Island
Mountain Biking
2.2 3 out of 5 B
Sprain Ridge from Hastings on the Hudson
Mountain Biking
2.6 2 out of 5 B
Cortlandt Railroad Station access Blue Mtn Reservation Westchester/CT 3 1 out of 5 B, C
Prospect Park
New York City
Training locations
3.4 3 out of 5 A, B, C
cycling trips